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Ayurvedic Herbal Blend for Female Reproductive Health. Nourishing to the blood and reproductive organs, maintains the healthy production of female hormones, helping to regulate the menstrual cycle. Ideal for heavy bleeding, clots, and painful cycle. This cleansing formula removes excess pitta from the system and supports a healthy, uncongested monthly flow. Soothing to the nerves and tissues, it calms mental agitations and promotes abdominal comfort before and during menstruation. Shatavari, the main ingredient, is also a natural aphrodisiac and is traditionally used to support fertility and vitality.


Ingredients: Punarnava, Ashoka, Lodra, Tumeric, Shatavari, Rose, Musta


Take 1 tsp with 1 cup of warm water. Drink 1-2 times a day or as recommended by your provider


  • Please consult with your physician prior to the use of this product if you are pregnant, or nursing, or on medication, or have a medical condition. 
  • Do not use it if the seal is broken. Store it in a cool and dry place. Keep out of the reach of children.

Holistic Cycle

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